Error Assigning Button1Click Event in TMS Scripter


I am creating a form using TMS Scripter and adding the form to the scripter with the following code:

With atScripter1.AddScript(slPascal) Do
  UnitName := 'FormLib';
  SourceCode.Text := MemFormLib.Text;
  DesignFormResource := MemFormDFM.Text;
  ScriptInfo.FormResource := MemFormDFM.Text;

I am adding the source code to the scripter with:

{$FORM TForm1, FormLib.sfm}

procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

I want to assign the Button1Click event to the Button1 component in the DFM. However, I am getting the following error:

Project Project1.exe raised exception class EReadError with message 'Error reading Button1.OnClick: Invalid property value'.

How can I solve this error? Can you help me?

Thank you!

You can't do that from the dfm. The event handlers in TMS Scripter are saved in a custom way.

In the case of event handlers in dfms, you can only use the dfms saved by the Scripter IDE itself.

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