Embedded Login page does not display anything in Sphinx Demo Client

I would like to use the sphinx login screen without leaving the VCL application, without success.
I test the SphinxSimpleDemo project, and try to use embedded browser with {$DEFINE USE_EDGEBROWSER}
Contrary to to the use of the default configuration which displays login page on the default browser, when I use embedded browser option (I uncomment the directive {$DEFINE USE_EDGEBROWSER} ), the login shows login window in the client without anything displayed.
I don't see where the problem comes from. What am I missing? What should I do?

Have you paid attention to the comment in the source code?

// Uncomment the line below for an example of how to use embedded login form (instead of using external browser)
// It uses TEdgeBrowser component, thus you must have a Delphi version that supports such browser,
// and make sure you have WebView2Loader.dll in your executable output diretory.

Have you put such dll in the directory?
Are you using a Delphi version that supports TEdgeBrowser?
Have you checked this support topic that explains in more details how to use and configure TEdgeBrowser:


Hello Wagner,
All the conditions are ticked. After some research, I realised that the DLL is installed in several places, and 32 and 64 bits have the same name. My problem was a 64 bits (my system is under Windows 11 64bits) used with a 32 bit demo application directory!!
In my case, I found the 2 versions 32 and 64 bits of WebView2Loader.dll under the Microsoft Teams directory. With the right version, everything works fine.
Thank you

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