EllipsClick event...


Delphi 10.2

I have tried to create an example project demonstrating the issue but, no joy.
I can make a video that shows the issue.
I have a grid with two columns.
Column 0 is fixed.
Column 1 all rows, except row 0, are editable, combos, edEditBtn and regular text fields.
Column 1 row 3 is selected. It is a normal text field and the editor is active.
Clicking the edit button in a column 1 row 1, the EllipsClick event is called.
I set the S variable to a value.
The text of column 1 row 1 AND column 1 row 3 are set to the value of S.
I am not setting the value of column 1 row 3.

Not sure what Is going on.


"Column 1 row 3 is selected. It is a normal text field and the editor is active."

It could be any row, I just selected that row as an example.

Follow up.
I created a project that demonstrated the issue and I was informed the fix will be in the next release.