Effect epRow in edit/insert (ADOEditing sample)


I get some inconsistent behaviour between editing and inserting records when using the following grid setup in the sample:

Design time:
DBAdvGrid1.EditPostMode := epRow;

"Allow Editing": checked
"AdvanceOnEnter": checked
"AdvanceInsert": checked

I want to be able to advance to the next cell when i press enter, regardless of wether i'm editing an existing record or inserting a new one.
However, this only works while inserting a new one.

Also, if I switch the first and last columns during runtime while using the previous setup, the cursor won't move to the next row anymore if I press enter while editing the last field of an existing record.

Changing the EditPostMode to epCell solves the inconsistency, but I want to posting to happen only when the row changes.

Is "AdvanceOnEnter" not intended to be used with the epRow setting?

Kind regards,


Thanks for reporting. We traced & solved this issue and can confirm this will be addressed in the next update.