EagerLoad association on inheritance

 How to EagerLoad TPerson5.PhotoId?
TPerson5.PhotoId.AssociationName, TFetchMode.Eager).List; // someting like this

 TPerson1 = class
    FId: Int64;
    FName: string;

 TPerson2 = class (TPerson1)
    FId: Int64;

 TPerson3 = class (TPerson2)
    FId: Int64;

 TPerson4 = class (TPerson3)
    FId: Int64;

 TPerson5 = class (TPerson4)
    FId: Int64;
    FPhotoId: TPhoto;

 TPhoto = class
    FId: Int64;
    FPhotoPath: String;


Unfortunately there is no polymorphism in CreateAlias and eager loading, unfortunately. You can only do that if you do a Find<TPhoto5>, not Find<TPhoto1>


Unfortunately it does not work, because i need all type of Persons (TPerson1,TPerson2, etc..).
It's a big issue for me. Any Sugestion?


Unfortunately not, for now. The only workaround would be mapping the property as eager loading.

Hi, Wagner
  Makes sense set property as eager loading in runtime before execute, and remove property after execute? (Using Datasnap + rest + json)

  Something like:
  if eagerLoad then
   Result := Manager.Find<TPerson1>.List;




You could try to do that manually manipulating the mapping in TMappingExplorer. But note that TMappingExplorer is not thread-safe, if you do that in DataSnap, you would have to create a specific TMappingExplorer for that.

EagerExplorer := TMappingExplorer.Create;
EagerExplorer.GetColumnByPropertyName(TPerson5, 'FPhotoId').IsLazy := False;

Hi, Wagner
  Does not work, i believe it's because MaxEagerFetchDepth=3.

If MaxEagerFetchMode is 3, then it should load, because FPhoto is just the first level (your are retrieving TPerson directly).

Hi, Wagner
   instead of
   "EagerExplorer.GetColumnByPropertyName(TPerson5, 'FPhotoId').IsLazy := False;"
    "EagerExplorer.GetAssociationByPropertyName(TPerson5,  'FPhotoId').Lazy := False;"
Works fine,

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