Duplicate component name

I have several forms in my project where I use a panel as background.
The name of these panels is in each form the same "pa_Background".

On a slow computer I now get an error when calling these forms and the page hangs.

The error is reported under firefox like this:

The line 2 lines above the error is also interesting.
I have not yet found out what triggers this warning. Maybe there is a connection to the other problem.

I have not found out why this effects only on slow computers.

I will change my project so that I no longer have components with the same name. I hope that I then no longer have this effect.

But it would be nicer if the compiler would report that.


It's unclear whether the compiler can detect duplicate names, the names are stored as strings in the DFM file, or set programmatically when running the web application. I suppose the error message provides sufficient information about duplicate component names, so indeed, the key here is to make sure that there are unique component names in your application to avoid such errors.