Dropdown in column header


I want to place a dropdown-editor in the columnheader of a specific column. The dropdown is not needed to sort or filter, but has another purpose.
Is it possible and if so, how should I insert an dropdown in the column header of one single column?
A code snippet would be very helpful.

I'd like to do the same. I need the columnheader to be editable when a user double clicks on it. A combobox or popupmenu should be visible. Can someone help us out? Thank you in advance.

When the header is a fixed cell, this fixed cell is by design not editable, at least not with a combobox. You could add code to the OnClickCell event to show a popup menu though. Have you tried this?

I have already a solution. I used the example on this website. The header shows now a TAdvStickyPopupMenu when clicking on the header. Thank you for your answer.

I found my answer here: http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/asg69.asp