I used this code to set up a polygon to be draggable:
TheGooglePolygon->Recreate = true;
TheGooglePolygon->Draggable = true;
Then I dragged the polygon with my mouse. It moved and stayed. When I set Draggable =false it jumped back to where it was. Is there something I need to do in the PolyElementDragend event to keep it at the new location? Such as updating the new coordinates?
Please note that polygon coordinates are not updated automatically after dragging it to a new location.
You'll need to manually update the coordinates in the OnPolyElementDragEnd
Thanks for replying!
Is there a way to get new coordinates of a polygon after the polygon is dragged or edited?
For polygon dragging, I can use the start mousedown coordinate and dragdrop coordinate to update the polygon coordinates. What about polygon editing? I need to know the new polygon coordinates after editing, or I need to find out what point is edited in the editend event to update the polygon coordinates.
Here's a sample that demonstrates how to update polyelement coordinates after editing:
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