Drag Drop D10.4.2

Since I updated to the latest Delphi Version 10.4.2 Drag Drop is not working correctly for all controls.
The Drag Over positon is shifted. This applies to all controls but it can be reproduced easily with 2 trees on a form. Drag an item around the form and tree and watch the mouse indicator.
Can anybody reproduce this?

I realized that on my notebook Drag and Drop is not working properly for all controls. This is true if the display properties are set to other than 100%.
The Drag Over positon is shifted. This can be reproduced easily with 2 trees on a form. Drag an item around the form and tree and watch the mouse indicator.
How can I fix this?


This is related to high DPI which is currently not supported in FNC. As soon as time permits, we'll investigate he possibilities