I just installed the TMS component pack. I could install the documentation for RAD Studio XE and XE6, but not for XE7.
Could you please provide the necessary for XE7 documentation?
I just installed the TMS component pack. I could install the documentation for RAD Studio XE and XE6, but not for XE7.
Could you please provide the necessary for XE7 documentation?
Help files for XE7 are not yet ready. This is on the todolist. There was some delay as we first needed updates of the help file generating tool for XE7.
All other docs & demos apply for XE7
Any news on when the help files for XE7 will be ready. I'm currently using the latest version of the VCL Component pack. Still no installed help; my XE2 version installs the help files.
Given that Embarcadero changed the help file format again in XE8, we move our focus away from IDE help files and all this makes the process to create help files in 3 different formats and different for each IDE very tedious, error prone ... So we focus on PDF developer guides, samples, tips & faq on our website. We have been at work all the time to increase the amount of documentation this way.