Documentation for TTIWAdvTreeView


Could someone point me toward Or send me) documentation for TTIWAdvTreeView?  It does not seem to be covered in the help files that come with the product and I could not find any mention of it on the web nor in the user manual.

Specifically, I am struggling with how to get the tree control setup to use images on each node and with how to show lines and the + symbols in the tree.  The image on the web site seems to indicate this is possible.

Thanks in advance!

Charlie Heaps

Can you please have a look at the IntraWeb features demo which is available for download from the "My Products" page (after login on our site)?

The demo contains a demo page for the IWAdvTreeView with a fully working example of how to set an image on each node.
The lines and + symbols can be added to the tree by including the "treeview-default-line.gif" and "treeview-default.gif" files to the images folder of your app. This is also demonstrated in the IW Features Demo.

This is great example. Unfortunately it only demonstrate how to set an image located in the EXEcutable subfolder.
My question is: how to set an image located on a web server? I have the following URL on my webserver: 

How should I change ImageURL and ImageCollapsedURL properties of the nodes to make it work?

Alexey Korchagin

This issue has now been fixed.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IW Component Pack.

When can we expect the next release?

Oh, overlooked. It is September 24.