Disable ALT-button in TAdvToolbarPage


Is there a way to override the behaviour of the ALT-button in TAdvToolbarPager? 

I'm using VirtualUI from www.cybelesoft.com to display a VCL-application on a website and when I press ALT (or actually also when I press AltGr+@) it removes the focus from the application and puts the mouse cursor behind the webpage and the only way out is to kill the browser.

I'd be happy to put up a demo if it helps.

So can I disable it somehow?

Kind regards,

Lasse Laegteskov

Sorry, there is currently not a setting for this.

When you use Office with this software, is it the same?

Hi Bruno,

I can't display MS Office in this way because VirtualUI includes libraries that has to be compiled with the source code. 

Actually I was able to disable some of the Alt-behaviour by using this code:

procedure TForm47.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  WM : TMessage;

But by pressing the Alt-button hereafter it set the focus to the windows menu (Maximize, Minimize etc menu) and it didn't help. I'm trying to capture this behaviour now.