I have a problem printing reports with many pages (above 70 pages). The problem is memory consumption that I think is on the Aurelius side (not an error, could be that I've done something wrong). Report Builder (RB) displays a print preview and begins the phase "Calculating pages" - upon here is all OK. But when the phase "Drawing pages" begins, the memory consumption raises by 100 Mb/sec until 1.3 Gb and then an error is displayed. Report builder uses TAureliusDatasets for data pipelines.
Debugger Exception Notification
Project Easy.exe raised exception class EPNGOutMemory with message 'Some operation could not be performed because the system is out of resources. Close some windows and try again.'.
When RB draws the pages, a lot of SQL queries are executed, to populate the objects. But I can't figure out why the memory consumption is so large, If I check the queries, they don't return many rows, just populate some of the class properties (like customer data,.. etc.). I treid to decrease the SubpropsDepth and toggle CreateSelfField and IncludeUnpappedObjects, but is doesn't seems to affect the consumption.
I would kindly ask if you have any ideas where to go with the debugging of the problem, because I'm out of ideas :( and your knowledge of the Aurelius is immensely greater than mine.
I know I asked a quite generic question, so if you need any additional info, just ask and I will provide it.
Have a nice day! :)