Detect failure from SendMessage

I have used TTMSFNCCloudMicrosoftOutlookMail.SendMessage to sen email.
It works fine. But is there an event that trigger when the email is succesfully sent and another event when something go wrong like authentication, wrong format of email etc ?

I tried to search docs for TTMSFNCCloudMicrosoftOutlookMail about this but didn't find much. Maybe I miss something

The OnSendMessage event is triggered after calling SendMessage. The ARequestResult.Success boolean indicates if the email was successfully sent. If something went wrong you can use the ARequestResult.ResultString to check for error messages.


procedure TForm1.TMSFNCCloudMicrosoftOutlookMail1SendMessage(Sender: TObject;
  const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult);
  TTMSFNCUtils.Log((BoolToStr(ARequestResult.Success, True)));

Thanks will try that.
Is there any docs for other events on this component like OnRequestsComplete ?
But I am sure your solution works fine in this case. :slightly_smiling_face: