delete records


i have a table wds_data like this (postgresql)

idx (pk) | timestamp             | place    | value
integer | timestamp              | integer | integer
1          | 2016-01-04 06:03 | 1         |  4
2          | 2016-01-04 06:05 | 2         |  3
3          | 2016-01-04 06:13 | 3         |  1
4          | 2016-01-04 06:23 | 1         |  12
5          | 2016-01-04 06:24 | 2         |  14
6          | 2016-01-04 07:02 | 3         |  1
7          | 2016-01-04 12:04 | 1         |  12
8          | 2016-01-04 14:03 | 2         |  29
9          | 2016-01-04 14:05 | 3         |  3

i want to delete the oldest values for each place in a cyclic task.

the SQL-Query for this job is

FROM wds_data
WHERE (idx) IN (SELECT idx
               FROM (SELECT t.idx,
                            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY place ORDER BY timestamp DESC) AS r
                     FROM wds_data t) x
               WHERE (x.r > 1000));

is there a way to do this in aurelius with orm?

thanks Matthias

The subquery can be done, I mean you can retrieve data, sort by oldest values and limit the query to return X records (Take). But there is no way to delete multiple records at once, you would have to load the objects you want to delete and remove one by one from Delphi code.

Hello Wagner,

i realised the delete-job with a IDBStatement (see sourcecode below).

Is this a supported way?

procedure TWDS_MSH7.Delete_Records;


Statement : IDBStatement;



    if DoTrace then



      Statement := Connection.CreateStatement;

      Statement.SetSQLCommand(Format( 'DELETE ' +

                                      'FROM wds_data ' +

                                      'WHERE (idx) IN (SELECT idx ' +

                                      '               FROM (SELECT t.idx, ' +

                                      '                             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY place ORDER BY timestamp DESC) AS r ' +

                                      '                      FROM wds_data t) x ' +

                                      '                      WHERE (x.r > %d)); ', [Keep_Records_per_Group]));



      if DoTrace then

        Trace_LZ_DS_Delete.Stop(FormatDateTime('yyyy"-"mm"-"dd" "hh":"nn":"ss', Now));



    on E : Exception do


        SetError(DeleteRecords, E.Message);





regards Matthias

Yes, you can use the low-level database access interfaces available.