Defining Document Properties

Does anyone have any examples of how to modify the properties of a XLSx document (author, title, etc.)?


Currently it isn't possible to do so, and normally I would recommend using a microsoft dll for this (if you look at this forums the link for this dll is some posts before this one.

But the good news is that we are working to allow modifications of xlsx properties for next release, which I hope will be this week. It will be only for xlsx, not for xls. (You can read xls properties but not modify them). 

If you aren't in a hurry, I would wait a week. If not, the dll is a workaround.


I'll wait, thanks.


Hi Adrian,

Any news on this?


Sorry about it, modifying xlsx properties has been delayed. This support should be finished this week, please send me an email with your registration data to, and I'll make a version available for you as soon as it is ready, so you don't have to wait for the official release.

by the way, just to confirm, is this FlexCel for delphi or for .NET?


Sorry I couldn't get something earlier. But FlexCel 6.3 is now released, and it includes the ability to read xls or xlsx properties and write xlsx properties.


I installed version 6.3 and read the file Whatsnew.htm that should I use XlsFile.DocumentProperties.SetUsedStandardProperty to change the properties of the XLS.

I found no documentation of that function in help and does not seem to be available in functions of XlsFile.DocumentProperties.

What can be happening?

You can send me an example of how to modify the properties of an xlsx file?

Thank you.

Just use APIMate. Set the file properties in Excel, open the file in APIMate and it will tell you the lines you need to use.

about the documentation, I think you ren finding it because it is SetStandardProperty, not SetUsedStandardProperty. It was an error in the what's new file.

Thanks Adrian - the Custom Document properties are just what I need. This superb component just keeps getting better.

Cheers, Bob


Thank you.