[dcc32 Hint] H2161 Warning: Duplicate resource

Hello friends,

I have the following message when compiling, actually the list is bigger than the example shown here, because it is repeated for each of the components. I don't know which is the best way to avoid this warning. Thanks.

[dcc32 Hint] H2161 Warning: Duplicate resource: Type 10 (RCDATA), ID TMSFNCGRAPHICSCLOSE; File C:\Users\SN\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core\TMSFNCGraphics.res resource kept; file C:\Users\SN\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core\TMSFNCGraphics.res resource discarded.

[dcc32 Hint] H2161 Warning: Duplicate resource: Type 10 (RCDATA), ID TMSFNCGRAPHICSCLOSELARGE; File C:\Users\SN\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core\TMSFNCGraphics.res resource kept; file C:\Users\SN\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core\TMSFNCGraphics.res resource discarded.

[dcc32 Hint] H2161 Warning: Duplicate resource: Type 10 (RCDATA), ID TTMSFNCBITMAPCONTAINER; File C:\Users\SN\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core\TMSFNCBitmapContainer.res resource kept; file C:\Users\SN\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core\TMSFNCBitmapContainer.res resource discarded.

[dcc32 Hint] H2161 Warning: Duplicate resource: Type 10 (RCDATA), ID TTMSFNCHINT; File C:\Users\SN\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core\TMSFNCHint.res resource kept; file C:\Users\SN\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC Core\TMSFNCHint.res resource discarded.

Possibly, you are using 2 units with the same name of a different framework such as VCL.TMSFNCTypes & FMX.TMSFNCTypes in the same project? Or, you installed a trial & registered version simultaneously, and the library path points to both installations, or you installed another older version of a registered product that also points to an older source file. Please check and clean up older versions, or trial version.

Dear Pieter, the installation seems to be correct, only the registered one is active.

The problem as you have described is by usage (Firemonkey+VCL), I am already using TFireMonkeyContainer to mix Firemonkey and VCL forms simultaneously in the application, and this is the reason. If I remove the TMSFNCMaps components in the Firemonkey windows for example, then the warning message disappears....

Essentially, mixing is possible and the warning can be ignored because the resources are exactly the same yet, I wouldn’t recommend mixing 2 frameworks. Not sure long term if that’s a stable environment for your application.

Yes, you are absolutely right, the ideal is not to mix both frameworks, but it is a VCL application of many years and we are migrating little by little to Firemonkey.

Thanks for your clarifications Pieter.

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