DbAdvGrid Transparent Glyphs


I am using DBAdvGrids and i like to alter the default sort-direction glyphs. When I customize the glyphs there appear to be some problems with the transparency property. I want to use the same sorting-glyphs for numerous DBAdvGrids and I don’t want to load each glyph in each grid independently. My goal is to load the glyphs via source code by connecting to an image list containing my glyphs.

When I load the altered glyphs directly in the Object inspector / Sort Settings under DownGlyph & UpGlyph, then the transparency property behaves as it should. Unfortunately when use the image list, the glyphs are not transparent anymore.

Do you have any advice on how to use the image list in connection with transparent glyphs?

Kind regards


What type of image do you add to the imagelist and depending on the image type you add, do you set at imagelist level for transparency or image colordepth to cd32bit?

We tried the following types of images: .png and .bmp format

On our ImageList we used the following settings.

ColorDepth: cd32bit

DrawingStyle: dsTransparent

PixelFormat: pf32bit

I cannot reproduce an issue.
See test project: http://www.tmssoftware.net/public/SortGlyphs.zip 

Hi Bruno, thank you for your reply. Your answer helped us find the solution. When we add the Image to the ImageList, there is an option to set the transparency color. This colour is -white- by default. After we changed the colour to clFuchsia the glyphs are transparent.