DBAdvGrid speed problem

Good afternoon,

j've this strange problem with a 2 milons records data base.

In a form j have 1 tdbadvgrid, 1 tdatasource linked to the grid 1 button (for close the form)

In the form1.formcreate j have datasource1.dataset:=Table1 // Table with 2 milions records

like this

procedure form1.formcreate(sender: tobject);


    ds1.dataset:=Dataform.ProductTable; // is already linked to dbadvgrid via design time

    // prepare grid header

   dbadvgrid1.colcount:=4 // <---- here stay for 30/50 seconds !!!!





Any suggestion(s)






Please see the suggestion about using grid.OnGetRecordCount in combination with grid.PageMode = true explained in the PDF developers guide.