CurrentLocation when polyline clicked

using WebGMaps component:

When polyline clicked CurrentLocation always shows 0,0 so infowindow in code below shows at lat,lng 0,0. Is there another way to get the lat,lng where polyline clicked?


curLat, curLng: Double;

script: string;


curLat := map.CurrentLocation.Latitude;

curLng := map.CurrentLocation.Longitude;

script := 'var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({';

script := script + 'content: ''my info window'',';

script := script + 'position: new google.maps.LatLng(' + floattostr(curLat) +

    ',' + floattostr(curLng) + ')';

script := script + '});';

script := script + ';';




Unfortunately it's currently not supported to retrieve the coordinates where a polyline was clicked.
However, this is a good suggestion, we'll have to investigate if this feature can be implemented in a future version of TMS VCL WebGMaps.

Just figured out that GetLocation must be called 1st because it sets the current lat,lng and then can be read by map.CurrentLocation. So now getting realistic lat,lngs but info window still not appearing where polyline clicked. It's always showing in a corner of map. However the content of infowindow accurately reflects the data associated with the polyline that was clicked.

Also just ran a test in the Click event of the map as per code below and Latitude <> curLat and Longitude <> curLat . Why are these values different?

procedure TForm1.mapMapClick(Sender: TObject; Latitude, Longitude: Double;

X, Y: Integer; Button: TMouseButton);


curLat, curLng: Double;



curLat := map.CurrentLocation.Latitude;

curLng := map.CurrentLocation.Longitude;

Please note that the resulting coordinates of the GetCurrentLocation call are based on your current IP address. I would expect that that these coordinates are different from the location where the map was clicked.