I have the CORS middleware on the XData Server
I am working on my DEV machine, the server is running on my machine
All day the Client has been working fine on Brave. Suddenly it complains about CORS. Now it wont budge.
This happens, as soon as I access a value of a data field
XData.Web.Connection.pas:207 Refused to connect to 'localhost:2002/chopper/$model' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src * blob: mediastream: data:". Note that '*' matches only URLs with network schemes ('http', 'https', 'ws', 'wss'), or URLs whose scheme matches self's scheme. The scheme 'localhost:' must be added explicitly.
InternalSendRequest @ XData.Web.Connection.pas:207
It looks like it has solved the cors issue. But I am getting this error now
ops.js:288 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Reg_Type')
at Object.SetJSONDataForField (ops.js:128952:22)
at Object.SetJSONDataForField (ops.js:130157:66)
at Object.SetJSONDataForField$1 (ops.js:127600:12)
at Object.SetFieldData$1 (ops.js:128864:25)
at Object.SetFieldData (ops.js:107190:12)
at Object.SetData (ops.js:103585:21)
at Object.SetAsString (ops.js:103705:12)
at Object.xds_BeforeInsert (ops.js:147147:25)
at Object.cb (ops.js:255:26)
at Object.DoBeforeInsert (ops.js:106673:44)
Reg_Type is one of the fields. It doesnt matter which field I try to set a value programatically, (after insert mode). I get a similar error.