CopyToClipboard, paste as text with merged cells

I'm currently using the latest TMS Component Pack version but this issue existed on a previous build from 2013.

CopyToClipboard and pasting into notepad as plain text includes multiple copies of group headers when mergeheader is true. 
The same issue occurs when you cell merge columns, the visible column is repeated for each merged cell. 


|Group Column (Merged)    |
|Col1    |Col2    |Col3           |
|Col1    |Col2    |Col3           |
|Col1    |Col2    |Col3           |


looks like this in plain text

Group Column (Merged)    Group Column (Merged)    Group Column (Merged)    
Col1    Col2    Col3   
Col1    Col2    Col3   
Col1    Col2    Col3   

Another example with merged cells:

|Col1    |Col2    |Col3   |
|Col1 (merged cells)    |
|Col1 (merged cells)    |
|Col1    |Col2    |Col3   |

Grid.CopyToCliboard and paste as plain text to notepad:

Col1 Col2 Col3   
Col1 (merged cells) Col1 (merged cells)  Col1 (merged cells)      
Col1 (merged cells) Col1 (merged cells)  Col1 (merged cells)      
Col1 Col2 Col3   

I have been unsuccessful trying to find a way around this.
Can anyone offer insight?

Let me add that the merged (invisible) cells have no content.

Also, I expect the paste of this text to look like this:

Group Column (Merged)
Col1    Col2    Col3   
Col1    Col2    Col3   
Col1    Col2    Col3   

There is no concept of merging in plain text representation of a grid.

As such, it is by design that the cell info of a merged cell is repeated in this plain text representation.