Connection.OnConnectError bug ?


I have a TWebSQLRestConnection with an implemented OnConnectError.

It seems that when I applyupdate to the server and it returns a 401:

  • When the operation is a POST: the OnConnectError is triggered and I get ErrorCode = 401
  • When the operation is a PUT: the OnConnectError is NOT being called.

I cannot reproduce this.
There is also no different path in the code between handling a HTTP PUT and POST with respect to error handling, so also logically from the code, I cannot see a reason for this to be treated differently.

Actually what I am looking into is:
if I do an applyupdates to the server (PUT): where can I handle a 401 ? The Connection.OnConnectError is not being called,, neither the OnDataReceived, ...

All errors are routed through TWebSQLRestClientDataset.Connection.OnConnectError

Hi Bruno,

Are you sure of this ?

When my server returns a 401 or 403 for example, I am not entering the TWebSQLRestClientDataset.Connection.OnConnectError.

So I just can't catch the http statuscode anywhere.

I am entering OnGetUpdateDataPayload, but there I don't have the HTTP statuscode.