Components on Windows Terminal Server


I have made an application for VCL which are run on a terminal server. I noticed that the most common components looks bad on the server. I think this is because of the Windows Classic theme run on the server and the fact that the VCL is wrapper on native Windows.

The question is if I could get the most used components to look good on the Terminal Server. Here is what I found (the theme used for the background panel is OfficeLuna2007):

This is the Native Windows appearance:

This is the looks on the terminal server:

Something to notice:
  • I can make a TAdvEdit with Clt3d=False, BorderColor = clSilver, which looks good
  • I have tried to tinker with TAdvComboBox (Flat, Ctl3D etc) but I cannot create a good looking result.
  • The TAdvOfficeRadioButton and TAdvFficeCheckBox looks good
  • Only THTMLabel works med correct transperancy
Is there a way to display the TAdvComboBox so it also looks good on the terminal server? Or is there a way to disable the Windows theme and just display the flat version of the components?


Lasse Laegteskov

Did you check

Hi Bruno,

Yes, but I want to avoid running aero on the server because of performance and the only component which doesn't look good is actually the TAdvCombobox (found out what todo about TLabel + TEdit). I use AdvToolbar, AdvPanel, AdvOfficeButtons, AdvGlowButton etc for all other components:

What you see is that the app runs unthemed. This is something at application level. You should see the same effect for a regular VCL TComboBox. As it is a theming application level issue, it is not something we can address at component level.

Yes, I know it's the application unthemed - but I'm so close to controlling the appearance myself (disregarding which theme is installed) that I can taste it :-)