[Component].LoadSettingsFromFile error

OS: Debian 10 LXDE 64
Lazarus 2.0.12
FPC 3.2.0

To load a style at runtime there are several options. When you have a style file, you can either load
it via [Component].LoadSettingsFromFile

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

The style is located in the project directory


The LoadSettingsFromFile is for individual component settings/styles, saved via SaveSettingsToFile. you cannot load a general style to a single individual component. Please use the following code:


This is also shown as a code snippet in the documentation.

I followed your instructions to make the best use of your components.

" To load a style at runtime there are several options. When you have a style file, you can either load
it via [Component].LoadSettingsFromFile "

What you have suggested is a better approach.

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Thanks, we'll see if we can update the documentation.

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