Compiler Error after Update to 2.4.5

Dear all,

i just updated my Delphi 11 Architect Version (Windows 10 Pro) to the new WebCore Version, and i have the following issue :ok_hand:

In Unit Web.pas :

Line 1487 and Line 1488 :

TJSClipBoardItem = class(TJSObject)
constructor new(aData : TJSObject; aOptions : TJSOBject); overload;
constructor new(aData : TJSObject; aOptions : TJSClipboardItemOptions); overload;
constructor new(aData : TJSObject); overload;

[dcc32 Fehler] Web.pas(1487): E2266 Nur eine Methode aus einer Gruppe überladener Methoden darf 'published' sein
[dcc32 Fehler] Web.pas(1488): E2266 Nur eine Methode aus einer Gruppe überladener Methoden darf 'published' sein

Translation : Only one method from a group of overloaded methods can be 'published'

Best regards

How can I reproduce this?
Unit web is by default added to uses list and I don't see an issue in any test or demo project here.

Hi Bruno,

i investigated a little bit on the problem, and it seems that this error occurs only in projects where i am using BIZ products (sparkle and aurelius server)
Pure Webcore projects are compiling without problems....

Can this be triggered by specific BIZ units in the uses list? If so, which ones?

Also, maybe you have wrong folders in either Delphi library path or Web Core library path? In BIZ/Web Core ecosystem there are duplicates of some units (e.g., Aurelius.Bind.Dataset, XData.Web.Client, etc.).

If you modified the library path, Delphi library path might be pointing to a folder containing XData.Web.Client, but the wrong folder. Same for TMS Web Core folders.

Dear Wagner,

i will check on that, but the system was running perfectly before the update. I am running my IDE in a virtual machine, so before performing any update i am creating a snapshot, in case something goes wrong.
So if i set my system back, everything runs fine ! As soon as i perform the update, i get the problem.
My BIZ products are installed via smart setup (nice tool) , web core in the usual way. First i updated web core, then i updated biz products...
I will change the order of update, first i will update biz products, and the i will update web core....
I'll keep you up to date :slight_smile:

br Michael

Dear all,

as promised, i retried the installation, in the following order :

  • deinstalltion of tms webcore
  • updating BIZ products with smart setup
  • installing tms webcore

Not successfull, i still get the above described error.

then i noticed that i had still a not installed webcore version on my virtual machine, so i reseted my virtual machine to the previous state (snapshots are so nice), and restarted the installation :

  • deinstalltion of tms webcore
  • updating BIZ products with smart setup
  • installing tms webcore

Success !!!!

No compiler errors :ok_hand:

Somehow i can not believe in wrong pathes.....

btw i did not modify any pathes


It looks like you compile your web app with the source code web.pas as found in the folder "Component Library Source". This web.pas file is NOT supposed to be used with the pas2js compiler. The folder "Component Library Source" should NOT be in your TMS WEB Core library path.
The correct web.pas file you need to compile against is the one from subfolder "Core Source\RTL" , so this subfolder should be in your TMS WEB Core library path.

Dear Bruno, dear Wagner,

due to a lack of time, i will continue investigating on ths problem at the weekend...

I'll keep you informed.
