ColumnWidth issue after last update Grid


since the latest release (Grid i have an issue especially with the DBAdvGrids.
Usually I have the paramete "EnhTextSize" set to True. This works fine in all Grids until this release.
Now the "..." appears way too early. Already the record indicator field (Column 0) shows the "..." in each row until I set the column width from 20 (default) to 21 or 22.
Many column headers and fiel values (especially in narrow columns) have the "..." instead of the correct value although there should be enough column width left to display the whole text.

I've identified your change in line 35355 in advgrid.pas as the  reason for this beahviour - if I remove the inserted code everithing works as expected.

As I don't want to adapt all the column widths in my applications (and I use the AdvStringGrid/DBAdvGrid) really often) I would appreciate a fix or workaround for this.

Kind regards

TMS Component Pack v8.9.1.1 was released today with a fix for this.