Column alignments


I've got a TDBAdvGrid connected to a dataset. 
In the dataset the fields have alignment set at designtime.
But the grid draws all columns with left alignment regardless of the alignment on the dataset.

Where can you set TDBAdvGrid columns alignment for the individual columns at designtime?

For now I am setting them manually at runtime

for(int i=0; i < DBAdvTrans->Columns->Count; i++)
    DBAdvTrans->Columns->Items->Alignment = DBAdvTrans->Columns->Items->Field->Alignment;

Does anyone know how to set them at designtime?

After you manually edited the columns property, are you sure you set grid.AutoRemoveColumns + grid.AutoCreateColumns = false, otherwise, when you make your dataset unactive/active it will automatically recreate the columns and thus forget your settings.

Yes both are set to false.

But I am afraid you misread my post. You say "After you manually edited the columns property...", but I did not manually edit the columns property. 
I am asking how to set them manually but at designtime.

I must have been blind, because the setting "alignment" is right there under the columns editor.
Sorry for the disturbance.