ColorComboBox in FNCGrid?

Hi, I am migrating from TTMSFMXGrid to TTMSFNCGrid, and need the ColorComboBox as an editor in the grid.

In the Reference for the FNCGrid, p. 21, it says: "Below is a list for the supported editor types: ...
etColorPicker: TComboColorBox class type.
etColorComboBox: TColorComboBox class type."

However, I get compiler error "Undeclared identifier: 'etColorComboBox'". The etColorPicker works fine. Is the ColorComboBox not working? Will this be fixed in a future version of FNCGrid, or can you suggest another solution?

Thanks a lot for your brilliant components!


the color combobox is an FMX specific component. Since we don't have an equivalent in VCL, we needed to remove this component. We replaced it with etColorPicker, which then maps on the framework specific component. The documentation refers this which is a mistake, we'll update the documentation accordingly.

Thanks, makes sense, no problem!

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