Code Completion not working when add unit WEBLib.XLSX

Hello everyone, I am using the WebXlsx component in a webcore project, the problem is that when I add it the Code Completion stops working, does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Thank you very much

I could not see an issue. Did you add the sub folder "Component Library Source" where you unzipped the code to your Win32 IDE library path?

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Thank you for your answer, could you give me more instructions about what you mention?

Thank you

I found the solution, and I think it's important that they add this in the WebXlsx installation steps. Once the component has been installed as indicated in TMS Software | Blog, it is necessary to add the path of the "Component library source" folder of WebXlsx to the search path of the project (Project>Options...>Delphi Compiler> Search path).

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