Clear TAdvDBFilter

When I select the clear option after applying it, the filter itself does reset.

How do I get the dataset in the dbgrid to reset to its complete, unfiltered values?  Do I need to close the ADOQuery and then reopen it?  Or is there a better, simpler way to do the reset?


You can do the reset from the OnRemoveFilter event.

While revising this, we could also do this automatically and in the next update there will be automatic support for this.

I have tried using the OnRemoveFilter event, but the grid remains at the last filter result.  Refreshing the AdvDBGrid does not reset to the complete dataset.  Pagemode does not seem to have an effect when true or false.

I do see that the underlying data is OK, as I can change the filter and get a different set.  I will just have to have the users be aware of this limitation (on my part) until I can get a handle on it.  

Also, it would be nice to know how to close the dialog box in the OnRemoveFilter event.  There does not seem to be an exposed Close available for the filter dialog.

I'd suggest to contact us by email to get this incremental source update that has this built-in extension to clear the dataset filter from the component.