Class TFastMM_FreedObject is not a valid Entity. [Entitiy] attribute missing

In testing project with 3 classes, with no automap .
I have 2 Proxy<Tlist> in the one master class and constructor/destructor with SetInitialValue/DestroyValue.
I am trying to remove a child object with:
and I am getting the following message:
Project raised exception class EInvalidEntity with message 'Class TFastMM_FreedObject is not a valid Entity. [Entitiy] attribute missing'

The tim.lines is declared as:
[ManyValuedAssociation([TAssociationProp.Lazy], CascadeTypeAllRemoveOrphan,'Ftimol')]
property lines:TList read Getlines;
function Ttim.gettaxes: TList;
begin result:=Ftaxes.Value; end;

FastMM5 is used in debug mode. Any ideas?

I found that removing the item from the list just does the job and it does not need anything else except the flush after that.

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