I have a problem with the TmsFncDataGrid, when I create a gcitCheckbox type column at design time: on iOS it is drawn wrong.
I have tried modifying the width of the column, even the height of the rows, but it always looks like an incomplete or truncated circle:
We've detected a small issue regarding the default width & height of the checkbox. These are not sufficient for mobile operating systems. It's now been corrected. As a workaround use:
procedure TForm1.GridGetCellProperties(Sender: TObject;
ACell: TTMSFNCDataGridCell);
if ACell is TTMSFNCDataGridCheckBoxCell then
(ACell as TTMSFNCDataGridCheckBoxCell).CheckBox.Width := 25;
(ACell as TTMSFNCDataGridCheckBoxCell).CheckBox.Height := 25;