ChannelID support

I was recently informed by TMG that ChannelID is currently not supported for the WebGmaps component, although they do feel it is worth exploring the implementation of this.

This is absolutely essential to our company, as we have one corporate account for our clients, and we bill their usage through a provided ChannelID and the Google Reports.

I am posting this to open discussion and possibly expedite this feature or potentially receive a temporary workaround so we can begin using this feature.

Thanks for any help offered.


A new property "APIChannel" was added to TWebGMaps. It's value will be included as the Channel ID in requests to the Google Maps API.
The update will be available with the next release of TMS WebGMaps.

Fantastic! That's great news.
I believe I found another issue and have one more request, but I'll create a separate post.
Thanks for considering and implementing this item.