how can i change the width of the visual output of the AutoFormFill?
i have 4 texts and the 4th text, is like "wordwarp" to the next row, i want them all to be in one line.
changing the Width property doesn't change that.
Unfortunately it's currently not supported to change the width of the IWAutFormFill dropdown.
The dropdown is automatically resized based on it's content.
However, the dropdown can't appear outside the borders of the browser window. If the text is too long it will word wrap too make it fit.
thank you bart for a quick reply.
the dropdown is not big, and not even going outside the borders of the brows or even of the region.
it looks like it's about 200 pixels.
the text items in each line are also short (about 6-10 letters), so they go beyond the 200 pixels.
I have not been able to reproduce the issue as you are describing.
sorry for the long delay.
i found the problem, and the reason why it happen:
the "wordwarp" thing, happened because the dropdown row was too close to the right side of the region.
because i "played" with this problem, i think there is a small bug :
the AutoFormFill doesn't react to the "LeftToRight" property of the Form.
it's always aligned to one side.
i'm talking about the dropdown itself, not the dropdown's content.
the aff's "Alignment" property works fine.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IW Component Pack.