Change port in TMSLoggerBrowserOutputHandler


to view the logging generated by my programs via the browser I must be able to change the webserver port.

I used the following code but it doesn't work:

FHandlerBrowser := TTMSLoggerBrowserOutputHandler.Create(nil); 
// FHandlerBrowser.Port := 18080; 
FHandlerBrowser.Port := 18080; 
FHandlerBrowser.Title := 'Logging: titolo'; // this work

debug(  FHandlerBrowser.Port );  // return 18080

The browser only works on port 8888

Are you planning to complete the documentation? As it stands it is very lacking and even with examples it is incomplete.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Vittorino_Mezzacasa_Claudio, welcome to TMS Support Center!

Thanks for reporting. We were able to reproduce and fix the issue, and next update will include the fix.

In the meanwhile, you can workaround it by passing the port directly in the constructor:

FHandlerBrowser := TTMSLoggerBrowserOutputHandler.Create(nil, 3000, ohmTable, 'Logging: titolo');

Thanks Wagner.

It works :+1:

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