Cell Rect Clipping

Hi Bruno

Ive now accomplished a few good adaptions to the planner etc.  However, I just after some advice as to how to deal with Cell TRect clipping.
Im wanting to say add text to the Header.  However, the text is clipped, if it exceeds the bounds of the TRect.  I believe the Cell Vertical lines must paint after the cell text, and hence clip my text.
Do you have any suggestions how I could paint the cell header text, so it would overflow the cell header lines ie span 2 columns.
Ive tried DrawText with DT_NOCLIP, InflateRect etc but had no luck.
Many thanks

Hi Bruno

On futher investigation I found...
If using OnPLannerHeaderDraw....
...This works
          Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Left - 100,10,'This works');
....This does not work ie Clipped

          Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Left + 100,10,'This does not works');
The only difference between the 2 code snippets are the TextOut Rect Left positions.  One is -100 and one is + 100.
Any ideas???