"Cascade Update" optional

Cascade Update should be optional, on a "Association/LookupField" relationship.

I have the classes above:

[Id('FId', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)]
TUserX = class
[Column('Id', [TColumnProp.Required])]
FId: Int64;

[Column('UserName', [TColumnProp.Required], 20)]
FUserName: string;

[Association([TAssociationProp.Required], [])]
[JoinColumn('UserGrpId', [TColumnProp.Required], 'Id')]
FUserGrpId: TUserGrp;

property Id: Int64 read FId write FId;
property UserName: string read FUserName write FUserName;
property UserGrpId: TUserGrp read FUserGrpId write FUserGrpId;

[Id('FId', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)]
TUserGrp = class
[Column('Id', [TColumnProp.Required])]
FId: Int64;

[Column('Description', [TColumnProp.Required], 20)]
FDescription: string;   

property Id: Int64 read FId write FId;
property Description: string read FDescription write FDescription;

I need to Save or Update the UserX object in the Database,
UPDate: ERRO: "Association references a transient Object."
SAVE: ERRO: "Association references a transient Object."

if i change the Association Cascade to "All but remove"
[Association([TAssociationProp.Required], CascadeTypeAll - [TCascadeType.Remove])]

User Object is saved, but also save the UserGrp and i don't want update UserGrp Object.
How to do that?
This is the typical example where the user have rights to save/update
the User information, but don't have rights to save/update UserGrp, just read.

You can remove the cascade and then call Manager.Update(AssociatedObject) to put the object in the manager. Then when you do Save the main object, it will not update the associated one, and will not raise the transient error. You can also update only the master in recent versions by calling Flush(MasterObject) which will only flush the master, not the associated one.

This feature was implemented.