Can't unzip


there seems to be an error in the file. I can't unzip it. 


I can open it and see that it contains a setup.exe but unzipping it fails


Yes, there was a problem with the build server. I am building it all again now and about to upload it again.
The problem is that the build process takes about 7 hours (building and testing all combinations Xe-Xe7, debug/release, ios, osx, android win32, wun64 etc. And some compilers like the ios one are really slow.
We are about 6 hours on the build process, this should be ready in a couple of hours.


It should be fixed now, please retry.


now I was able to successfully install it.
Thank you very much.

...relief :)

thanks for letting me know, yesterday it was a chaotic day. Nothing nicer than to wake up and find tens of emails telling you the download is broken... And by the way, the cause was a subtle bug introduced by updating our build app from XE2 to XE7 and some changes they made with TStream.