Cant load package errors

What did I stuff up?

Every time I start-up Delphi, I get a suite of messages about not finding bpls. I had assumed that since I was using the Subscription Manager to do automatic installs, everything would be fine. Some of the packages did pop up with additional instructions. Do I need to follow them? If so, how can I see them again.

In particular

  • FlexCel_dll290.bpl
  • VCL_TMSFNCGridExcelBridge290.bpl
  • VCL_TMSFNCGridExcelBridge_DESIGN290.bpl
  • FMX_TMSFNCGridExcelBridge290.bpl

I see this refers to TMS FNC Grid Excel Bridge.
Please note that TMS FNC Grid Excel Bridge depends on TMS Flexcel for VCL/FMX and TMS FNC UI Pack.
It is expected that the latest version of this is installed via TMS Smart Setup.
So, please uninstall TMS FNC Grid Excel Bridge,TMS Flexcel for VCL/FMX and TMS FNC UI Pack. After this, install these 3 products via TMS Smart Setup.

Thanks Bruno.

Thats where I am confused. I have installed all packages that I wanted, from subscriptionmanager. All other packages are working fine. I have already installed these 3 from the subscriptionmanager.

  • When I run smartsetup, it says nothing is installed.
  • When I install something in smartsetup, its not visible in subscriptionmanager as installed.

So I am confused. Also subscriptionmanager allows me to change paths, but smartsetup does not.

Which one am I supposed to use?

Also, is there a way to uninstall any package from subscriptionmanager ? That would solve my problem for now, until I need to use these 3 packages

TMS Subscription Manager will be replaced by TMS Smart Setup as soon as we ported all products to it. We are working on this.
Something installed in TMS Smart Setup does not show up in TMS Subscription Manager.
If you installed something in TMS Smart Setup and it does not show up in the IDE, please send the logs, so we can check what caused it to fail on your machine.

Since I installed these from subscriptionmanager, how do I uninstall them first ? Or do I use SmartSetup to install over them?

When these were installed via TMS Subscription Manager, in the last column, you should see the uninstall icon. Alternatively, go via Windows Control Panel Add/Remove software.