Can't disable the Menu items that have sub menu item

Hi Bruno,

looks like the menu items can't be disabled when it has sub menu item. As you can see from below picture:

If I click Disable the menu items, which is developed to disable the Item1-1 and item1-2. However, only Item1-2 is disabled. Any idea to fix this?

A demo is here for your test.
15. Disable (1.5 MB)

A second question: TMenuItem's OnDrawItem event is not available on Web?


We traced & solved the issue with disabling parent menu items.
Next update will address this.
At this moment, it isn't possible in web to have custom drawn menu items.

Hi Bruno, I tested this issue on latest version. I found the TWebButton disappeared after compiling..

Then I tried another new project: I simply dropped a button on the form, I can see the button after compiling; then I dropped a TWebMenu, compiled well but did not see button anymore...

dropped a panel and it is gone as well...

We could see & fix this issue now.
We'll release v2.1.0.1 with this fix asap.

Thanks Bruno! I have tested on newer version, and this issue is gone.