Have this code that used to work on older versions of Aurelius on Delphi 10.3. Now, trying to run with newest version of Aurelius on Delphi 10.4 raises an exception: "Cannot find mapping [Id] on class TDerivedClass"
Here is the (pseudo)code:
[DiscriminatorColumn('CLASSE', TDiscriminatorType.dtInteger)]
[Id('FId', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)]
TBaseClass = class (TSomeCustomObject)
[Column('ID', ColumnPropPrimaryKey)]
FId: TId;
TDerivedClass = class (TBaseClass)
Fields with no FId field already defined on TBaseClass
Digging deeper I found an specific scenario where the problem occurs:
TBaseClass cannot have a link to TDerivedClass, like that:
TDirivedClass = class;
[DiscriminatorColumn('CLASSE', TDiscriminatorType.dtInteger)]
[Id('FId', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)]
TBaseClass = class (TSomeCustomObject)
[Column('ID', ColumnPropPrimaryKey)]
FId: TId;
FDerived: Proxy<TDerivedClass>; // Here is the problem (don't know if by design)