Cannot compile Component Pack in XE7

My latest TMS CoponentPack is for Delphi XE5 which I try to compile (file tmsdXE5group.groupproj) under XE7. After sadding a compiler statement in the the compilation succeeds until it fails at

[dcc32 Fataler error] PictureList.pas(1): F2084 Internal error: AV0C185184-R0000000C-0

Using the German XE7 IDE under German Win7x64-SP1 OS.

As I am now private developer without any commercial use I would not want to update the VCL Component Pack for €195. Can you help me what causes this error?

Christian Saidler

This is a compiler issue with XE7 and we have implemented a workaround for this in the latest version of the TMS Component Pack.