Can we export Style names?

I am using UI Pack  I use a lot of the Stylers.  Can we export the names of the Styles? 

I'm not sure how to understand this question. 
Where do you want to export this to? For what should the exported styles be used?

Copy from Excel

TTMSStyle TOfficePagerStyle TOfficeStatusBarStyle TToolBarStyle TOfficeStyle TAdvPanelStyle
0 psXP
1 psFlat
2 psTMS
3 psClassic
0 tsOffice2003Blue 0 psOffice2003Blue 0 psOffice2003Blue 0 bsOffice2003Blue 0 osOffice2003Blue 4 psOffice2003Blue
1 tsOffice2003Silver 1 psOffice2003Silver 1 psOffice2003Silver 1 bsOffice2003Silver 1 osOffice2003Silver 5 psOffice2003Olive
2 tsOffice2003Olive 2 psOffice2003Olive 2 psOffice2003Olive 2 bsOffice2003Olive 2 osOffice2003Olive 6 psOffice2003Silver
3 tsOffice2003Classic 3 psOffice2003Classic 3 psOffice2003Classic 3 bsOffice2003Classic 3 osOfficeXP 7 psOffice2003Classic
4 tsOffice2007Luna 4 psOffice2007Luna 4 psOffice2007Luna 4 bsOffice2007Luna 4 osOffice2007Luna 8 psOffice2007Luna
5 tsOffice2007Obsidian 5 psOffice2007Obsidian 5 psOffice2007Obsidian 5 bsOffice2007Obsidian 5 osOffice2007Obsidian 9 psOffice2007Obsidian
6 tsWindowsXP 6 psWindowsXP 6 psWindowsXP 6 bsWindowsXP 11 psWindowsXP
7 tsWhidbey 7 psWhidbey 7 psWhidbey 7 bsWhidbeyStyle 9 osWhidbey 10 psWhidbey
8 tsCustom 8 psCustom 8 psCustom 8 bsCustom 6 osCustom 12 psCustom
9 tsOffice2007Silver 9 psOffice2007Silver 9 psOffice2007Silver 9 bsOffice2007Silver 7 osOffice2007Silver 13 psOffice2007Silver
10 bsOfficeXP
10 tsWindowsVista 10 psWindowsVista 10 psWindowsVista 11 bsWindowsVista 8 osVista 14 psWindowsVista
11 tsWindows7 11 psWindows7 11 psWindows7 12 bsWindows7 10 osWindows7 15 psWindows7
12 tsTerminal 12 psTerminal 12 psTerminal 13 bsTerminal 11 osTerminal 16 psTerminal
13 tsOffice2010Blue 13 psOffice2010Blue 13 psOffice2010Blue 14 bsOffice2010Blue 12 osOffice2010Blue 17 psOffice2010Blue
14 tsOffice2010Silver 14 psOffice2010Silver 14 psOffice2010Silver 15 bsOffice2010Silver 13 osOffice2010Silver 18 psOffice2010Silver
15 tsOffice2010Black 15 psOffice2010Black 15 psOffice2010Black 16 bsOffice2010Black 14 osOffice2010Black 19 psOffice2010Black
16 tsWindows8 16 psWindows8 16 psWindows8 17 bsWindows8 15 osWindows8 20 psWindows8
17 tsOffice2013White 17 psOffice2013White 17 psOffice2013White 18 bsOffice2013White 16 osOffice2013White 21 psOffice2013White
18 tsOffice2013LightGray 18 psOffice2013LightGray 18 psOffice2013LightGray 19 bsOffice2013LightGray 17 osOffice2013LightGray 22 psOffice2013LightGray
19 tsOffice2013Gray 19 psOffice2013Gray 19 psOffice2013Gray 20 bsOffice2013Gray 18 osOffice2013Gray 23 psOffice2013Gray
20 tsWindows10 20 psWindows10 20 psWindows10 21 bsWindows10 19 osWindows10 24 psWindows10
21 tsOffice2016White 21 psOffice2016White 21 psOffice2016White 22 bsOffice2016White 20 osOffice2016White 25 psOffice2016White
22 tsOffice2016Gray 22 psOffice2016Gray 22 psOffice2016Gray 23 bsOffice2016Gray 21 osOffice2016Gray 26 psOffice2016Gray
23 tsOffice2016Black 23 psOffice2016Black 23 psOffice2016Black 24 bsOffice2016Black 22 osOffice2016Black 27 psOffice2016Black