Calendar event spanning more than 1 day

Hi I hope you can guide me.

I am putting together a little rota/group diary for my staff showing who is working what shift.

I have linked to a database and the TDBPlanner is set to show 7 days of a 24 hour grid.

Main staff rotas are 06:00 - 14:00, 14:00 - 22:00, and 22:00 - 06:00 the following day.

The problem is that on-screen the DBPlanner shows the first 2 hours of the 22:00 - 06:00 shift i.e. 22:00 - 00:00 and then a downward pointing double chevron, but nothing on the next day. However if I move the view on to a day in which the start day of the 22:00 - 06:00 shift is not shown, then the end day portion is displayed showing the 00:00 - 06:00 portion and an upwards pointing double chevron

What can I set so that this shows in both day columns on the planner, and the dbplanner.footer reflects these hours in the completion progress bar?

What DBxxSource component do you use? Normally, multi-day events are displayed in the header (for each day where the multiday event happens)

If you use the TDBDaySource, is this the latest version of TDBPlanner you are using?

Hi Bruno

I am using a DBDaySource and the version.

code I am using as a base is the Planner Demo 27, where I have just
changed the number of days displayed by the planner to 7 days.

Many thanks


I started from this demo 27 and created a multiday event and this is displayed in the header.
You should see this in the modified demo here: 

Hi Bruno

I have downloaded and run this example, but in the multi-day example it still does not show an event spanning over 2 days, not even in the header.

I can see that if I change the view to "Period" I can see the event spanning from 02/09/2004 into 03/09/2004; but this is far too small and not the view I require.  See images below;