I try to work with TMSFNCSpreadGrid, and I have some trouble effect
- Create empty project, add TMSFNCSpreadGrid with default settings
- Add one checkbox for control properties ShowFormula.
at begin..
Add data to few cells, for example
A1 - 5
A2 - 7
A3 - =SUM(A1:A2)
A4 - 10
A5 - =A3+A4
A6- =A5*1.2
for first look. all work correct
But, if click, for example, to cell 'A3' for edit, and after exit to another cell, in some cells self showed formulas, and not calculate values, after call Recalc function, formulas work correct
and, if change any formulas to simple values ('2' or '3.5' or any) all formulas, where have referense fro changed cell, give old formula not new value , if put to cell before value (before simple digits) symbol '=' - all work again correct. I think grid no understands, what now not formula in cell, but simple value. This is normal or a have method for remove reference for the formulas?
(I try example from demos, but same effect is present)
And I have a few question, is present events for access/control calculated values, not formulas? for example- change color of a cell if new value bigger or smaller ? And present methods to control calculated values outputs ?
And second if misstake in place formulas, for example write SUMM but not SUM, project freeze. How intercept errors inputs?
In manulas I don't find right results :(
Thank you