Built in Base64Decode not decoding images embedded in TTMSFNCRichEditor when images are embedded.

Add TTMSFNCRichEditor to form, add TTMSFNCRichEditorHTMLIO and set propert y inlineImages to true. Try to save and load from any stream, a range check error is issued. The fault lies in FMX.TMSFNCRichEditorBase at method DecodePicture which calls Base64Decode. Base64Decode method is not working when embedded images are preset, but does work on ordinary text. If I replace with the following Base64Decode from System.TNetEncoding and encode to Bytes then it works correctly:
function DecodePicture(const str: string): TStream; begin Result := TBytesStream.Create(TNetEncoding.Base64.DecodeStringToBytes(str)); Result.Position := 0; end;