Bug in AdvShortCutToText

Internally AdvShortCutToText calls MakeUpperLower

Wich is implemented as following

function MakeUpperLower(s: string): string;
  Len: Integer;
  Len := Length(s);
  Result := copy(s, 1, 1) + copy(LowerCase(s), 2, Len - 1);
  if (pos('(', Result) > 0) then
    Result := copy(Result, 1, pos('(', Result)) + UpperCase
      (copy(Result, pos('(', Result) + 1, 1)) + copy(Result,
      pos('(', Result) + 2, Len - pos('(', Result) - 1);

You shouldnt be udeing LowerCase og UpperCae but AnsiUpperCase and AnsiLowerCase since the they supports internationally letters.

I would suggest the following implementation

function MakeUpperLower(s: string): string;
  Len: Integer;
  Len := Length(s);
  Result := copy(s, 1, 1) + copy(AnsiLowerCase(s), 2, Len - 1);
  if (pos('(', Result) > 0) then
    Result := copy(Result, 1, pos('(', Result)) + AnsiUpperCase
      (copy(Result, pos('(', Result) + 1, 1)) + copy(Result,
      pos('(', Result) + 2, Len - pos('(', Result) - 1);

You can test it with the Danish text 'HØJRE PIL' (Right Arrow)

Thanks, we adapted this.

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