Big Problems with TDataSource in VCL

I am now starting to write my VCL counterpart of the project, where I am rewriting the views based on VCL controls

However I found a big issue with TAureliusDataSource

I am using TDataModule to share the same set of TAureliusDataSources

I have the TDataModule in the uses clause of my VCL frame

I place a TDataSource and connecto to the desired TAureliusDataSource

As soon as I make that, all the fields definitions that was loaded from the bpl are cleaned, I  have to load it again. But even doing that, the DataSet lost it again as soon as I try to select a field on a DBControl associated at the DataModule

On the DBControl there is not Field available to select.

I am not using livebinding here, just simple and plain DataSource based connection.

What is wrong?

I have tried to put the TDataSource in the same TDatamodule and it has the same issue, The loaded fields are deleted.

Even if a load the fields definition again, as soon as I try to assign visually the field on a DBControl the fields list are again deleted. Always happen. 

I have closed Delphi and opened again and the problem keeps happening.

I have tested using the TAureliusDataSet directly on the TFrame and using the TDataSource from the same TFrame, it happens the same problem

I was concerned with the TDataModule classGroup:
{%CLASSGROUP 'System.Classes.TPersistent'}

That is a selection for framework affinity. This one should be neutral. However made no difference, this is not what is causing the problem.

Another feedback on this issue... the problem persists, even with some other bugs I found, but my program is now running and the DataSource is running connected to the TAureliusDataset, It shows the data and navigate fine, up to know.

However at design time it is needed to inform the field manually for each DBControl and I cannot open the combobox with fields from the DataSet, If I open the list get empty and I need to reload back again.

Hi Eduardo,

sorry to ask you this, but I got confused with what's really happening. Is it possible that you send me a video or a sequence of screenshots showing the exact steps and the exact problem you are experiencing? It was not clear for me what exactly is the problem, and what are the steps to make it happen.