I need help. After a SearchFile I want to save the CloudItem data in a separate variable.
remCloudItem : TCloudItem;
If AdvGDrive.SearchFile(Filename, true) then
If AdvGDrive.Drive <> NIL then
for i := 0 to AdvGDrive.Drive.Count-1 do
remCloudItem := AdvGDrive.Drive.Items;
With the next AdvGDrive.SearchFile or AdvGDrive.GetDriveInfo my saved remCloudItem has undefined data.
But with remCloudItem.Assign(AdvGDrive.Drive.Items) the program hangs in an endless loop.
What will be the best way to save the ClouItem data?
Many thanks for your help.
November 9, 2015, 4:20pm
I have not been able to reproduce this issue. The sample code you provided is working as expected.
Can you please explain exactly what you mean with undefined data?
Yes, of course the sample works. This isn't the issue.
But if I have to use AdvGDrive.GetDriveInfo() again, the variable remCloudItem has no more the saved data from before. At these moment there are many kyrillic letters in the different values.
The problem will be that remCloudItem := AdvGDrive.Drive.Items don't copy the data, but set only the pointer. And I'm looking for a way to copy the data e.g. remCloudItem.Assign();
November 10, 2015, 11:45am
The assign call is working as expected in the following sample code. If the problem persists, please provide a ready to run sample code so I can further investigate this.
i: integer;
remCloudItem : TCloudItem;
remCloudItem := TCloudItem.Create(nil);
If AdvGDrive1.SearchFile(FileName, true) then
If AdvGDrive1.Drive <> NIL then
for i := 0 to AdvGDrive1.Drive.Count-1 do
a few seconds ago I send to you an sample code.
In the code you sent, myCloudItem is never created, so it is normal that when you try to call Assign() for a nil object, it will cause an AV
procedure TForm5.btnUploadClick(Sender: TObject);
myCloudItem : TCloudItem;
localFileName: string;
i: Integer;
localFileName := 'c:\xyztest.jpg';
myCloudItem := NIL;
if myCloudItem = NIL then
If AdvGDrive1.SearchFile(ExtractFileName(localFileName), true) then
If AdvGDrive1.Drive <> NIL then
for i := 0 to AdvGDrive1.Drive.Count-1 do
myCloudItem.Assign(AdvGDrive1.Drive.Items); // here comes an access violation
// AdvGDrive1.GetDriveInfo;
Oh yeah, you are right.
I forgot to initiate the clouditem for Assign() because for AdvGDrive.Upate and AdvGDrive.Upload the Clouditem will automatically initiated, right?
The Upload function automatically returns a valid reference to a TCloudItem when there is a succesful upload.